The model I made was a train of thought I had within maya. I decided to try to import my model in UDK to make some good renders. The model is still untextured and this is the first try i'm going to use UDK, i'm also a beginner in maya. I will post my progressions along the way of texturing and hopefully soon to finish this. Here is the first screen:

I still need to figure out how to make a render in UDK though

I'm probably missing something but this happens when i use the command, the T doesn't work but the tilde (~) does work but i get this.
Then you won't have that black console in the screenshots ^^
Looks like a good start, only it seems to be a bit basic atm. (that is, if you are going for something realistic).
for example the support bars here have a L-profile, have a cutout so that the X-shape can be made,and are held together with bolts.
The ladder, how is that not going to fall over when someone climbs it, how is the roof and floor held on, and so on, things that make it feel real and not some boxes put together.