This is my first attempt at sculpting likeness and I'm having some trouble with it. In particular from what I can see so far is that the nose doesn't look right and I'm finding it hard to judge how deep the eyes should be into the head. Cavil's face doesn't seem to have much symmetry I'm finding so I'm wondering if whether it would be better to try and sculpt individual areas rather than letting them mirror over?
Below is my ref and screenshots. If anyone can offer any advice on how to improve this I'd be very grateful.
Hello there, I like what you are doing. I can see from a "Fresh Eye" perspective that the nose is a little to wide that is the nostrels are to flared. The second point that immediately caught my attention is that the jaw is to far forward, by quite a long way. Try and find a side perspective shot.
Many thanks for the feedback from you both. I have been using the reference to overlay inside zbrush but even with that it still proved off. Will take what you said into consideration and make the changes. Thanks again
Damn, DKK just gave you some very solid advice! There really isn't much else to be said honestly.
The only thing I would like to add which helps me a lot is to get tons of references from every angle you can. Look at your reference and try to keep perspective in mind from the camera that took the shot and your actual 3d perspective. Then move your model to similar angles as the reference and try to match up the silhouette as much as possible.
The easiest example would be check him at 3 quarters view with a reference that is at the same angle. There are a few major landmarks there that many people get wrong at first.
Anyway good luck, likeness are extremely difficult. Take your time and be patient, if you are new to this it could take weeks still it starts to really match up.
Thanks all for the further crits. I do really appreciate it. I pretty much ended up reworking the whole head back down to its lowest subd and then started again. After a break I realised just how bad it did look! I also took a a screenshot and overlayyed it with the ref image as suggested by JacqueChoi which helped me get the head into better proportion. Also @dustinbrown I have got a folder of ref images but just uploaded that one to show the front of the face with I was primarily focusing on. I do however completely agree with your suggestions on Asaro head, skull and facial studies and will certainly attempt these.
Here are my updates that I have been working on today.
I would suggesting sculpting a couple Asaro heads, then sculpting a human skull, then doing some facial anatomy studies. Then you'll be much better prepared to tackle a likeness study. No offense intended, we've all been through it.
I second this. In addition, you should take a look at Scott Spencers "Zbrush Digital Sculpting: Human Anatomy" book. It's a great way to learn about some of the underlying muscles in the face.
Keep up the good work
The only thing I would like to add which helps me a lot is to get tons of references from every angle you can. Look at your reference and try to keep perspective in mind from the camera that took the shot and your actual 3d perspective. Then move your model to similar angles as the reference and try to match up the silhouette as much as possible.
The easiest example would be check him at 3 quarters view with a reference that is at the same angle. There are a few major landmarks there that many people get wrong at first.
Anyway good luck, likeness are extremely difficult. Take your time and be patient, if you are new to this it could take weeks still it starts to really match up.
Here are my updates that I have been working on today.
I second this. In addition, you should take a look at Scott Spencers "Zbrush Digital Sculpting: Human Anatomy" book. It's a great way to learn about some of the underlying muscles in the face.
I did a quick drawover of your face as well.