Hi guys, long time lurker & finally coming out & having a go!
I'm going to do FTL - I think because the style of the game is fairly basic when it comes to character & ship layouts & consoles, etc - that this gives me a lot of lee way to have some fun in creating some cool details. Here's some quick sketches;
I'm using reference but have decided to squash the ship up for the purpose of creating an almost chibi like theme. With exaggerated proportions on both props & characters, I'm confident I can create a nice scene. Any input though is welcome & encouraged!
Tomorrow I will start on the enemy rebel flag ship, & possibly get onto some character concepts - plan on having a total of 4 characters operating this stealth cruiser.
This morning I've been working on a weapon for the stealth cruiser - anyone familiar with FTL may recall the Glaive Beam, one of the most powerful weapons within the game. I could have gone crazy with this! I tried to stay as close to reference as possible, whilst retaining the cool look. I heavily simplified the fixture assembly (the part where it will attach to the ship)
Later today I will work on the enemy flagship, & at work tonight I will start some character concept sketches. Any input & criticism welcome & encouraged!
Here's my style sheet I have been using~
Here is what I worked on today after character concepts. I'm so busy that I can only work in short stints, but I am dedicated to getting this finished. Several of these guys will be attacking the ship~
I started modelling interior assets - the wire conduits are a modular asset which I can repeat around the scene if I wish, same with the piping coming from the engine.
I also did a really quick paint over so I have a direction for the interior walls & other rooms. The walls will be cut out, not sure if I will model the doors or just door frames. The layout differs from in game, but I feel this is still appropriately representing the game.
As always, any critique is welcome & encouraged!
Crits both harsh & soft are always welcome.
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As for the slug & mantis, I decided to expand on my concept a little more. After looking at reference & spending more than 5 minutes sketching, I came to settle with these little guys;
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Here's the human model.
Tomorrow I will model the mantis, & start texturing everything! I'm just ahead of schedule at the moment, & should get well ahead tomorrow evening.
[Edit] Updated sketchfab can be found below!
I agree Spacey, after sleeping on the subject & waking up with fresh eyes, I can see I've lost quite a lot of character with the slug. ugh! I've revisited, starting with getting proportions right (the arms were way too fat in the original mesh, the same with the feelers) & trying to match the over all silhouette to the concept. I feel my issue here was that I rushed my work.
Here's a comparison - I can further improve on this I think, but I'm heading in the right direction.
Crits always welcome! I won't improve otherwise.
This morning, I have modelled & posed the mantis. This time, I took my time & tried to nail the silhouette. I feel I did a better job with this mesh, but other people may see inconsistencies that I'm missing, so please let me know!
256 x 512 diffuse
brought my ship texture down to 128 & fixed some density issues. & started the interior. Been so busy the last few days, I've fallen a little behind!
I'm rushing to finish this - I've had such a busy week & have barely found time to do work! I will finish, but it's going to lack the polish it needs. This is my scene so far:
Need to texture the drones & do a few extra things like shields & fire / smoke coming from the engine room. This has been fun!
Things that I need to improve on include more efficient UV's, tiling (it was possible to complete most of the ship via a 64 by 64 tile, & uniquely map the after burners, but due to some weird topology, the result was not fantastic)
Every project sees improvement in one aspect or another, so continue I must!