So I am putting together a new character to go on my portfolio and hopefully be something worth looking at for potential employers this is what I have got so far.
Gota say thanks to my friend Gaz for pictures of him self for the reference so hopefully doest look like everyone else out there. The lips and skin are the problem areas here I think, Hair I will be using hair planes and stubble.
Body armor and vest
body armor is to clean I think and needs some attachments but I dont want to over load it the undershirt/vest is a quick fill sculpt and needs work.
The arms I have just started filling in the muscle groups and need to start the detail to the hands and nails.
full body
the jeans have just been added no realy work done to them except adding the stitching and the thigh straps.
Any feedback and crits I will love you all for because its greatly needed thanks