I have seen so much great stuff done in Cryengine lately, wanted to give it a try. So this being my first sandbox project I'm learning a lot but I really enjoy it so far. I´m going to post my progress here, hopefully you guys can give me some critique along the way.
I am heavily inspired by this great photo by photographer Christopher Payne. He apparently released a book; Asylum, filled with pictures of abandoned american hospitals. Great stuff.

This is where I'm at. Made a few wall-pieces, floor and ceiling with some basic textures. I have also started working on the lighting. Working on a wheelchair atm.

^^Wheelchair in marmoset.
And looking good so far! My only suggestion would be to watch the scale. If you look at the chair in the photo in relation to the door, windows, and ceiling height I'd say the room is around 14-16 feet tall(two "doorways" tall). The wheel chair in your picture makes the room feel quite a bit smaller than the photo. Supper easy to fix, i'd just hate to see the scene built around the wheel chairs scale and end up feeling cramped and "miniature".
Will be following this
Edit: DAMN! Beat to the punch :poly124:
Assuming the distances are correct, I think some of the differences between the concept and your scene is caused by a different camera FOV.
Totally agree on issues with proportions and scale, the wheelchair was way to big. Just threw it in there, didn´t really have a decent prop to measure with until now, which was a mistake. I Eye-measured all the wall pieces from the photograph and it does feel a bit off at places. I'm not too concerned thou as long as it looks believable.
Thanks! Means a lot coming from you Chris!
Good pointers about the lighting, will look into that. As for the FOV you're totally right. Cryengine defaults at something like 80 FOV. To replicate the picture I have to get down to something like 20, which feels totally weird when playing in first person. In the image below its 50, in the previous post its 60.
I threw some grunts in there and made a huge rainbow ruler(its in Meters) to see how everything stands in relation.
This corridor sure sure is a challenge to light, I have tweaked it for so long, still not happy. Although the main light comes from the windows there are light coming from all over the place and they are all casting these really soft shadows. Is there a way to light-link a light so that it does not cast light on a specific wall piece for example?