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Uncharted 2 Inspired Diorama

Hi guys!

After pkaying Uncharted 2 a few months back, I knew I had to try and do a small environment based on the game, inspired me so much.
In particular I loved the Tibetan Village in Chapter 16 that Nate wakes up in. It had a really nice sense of calm and gave me a quick break before the jumping shooting took hold again.

I took a few screenshots from my mac webcam of the level to get some good reference points. I'm not looking to recreate the props and style exactly, but I want to use it as a guideline, so to speak.
Here are a few screenshots, in case some of you aren't familiar with the level:



And here is my starting point.


I've taken a few liberties like adding an outside lamp and a door handle. I've also added a few alpha planes on the right to start experimenting with grass, since I've never actually made foliage before. 3D modelling isn't my main thing, I'm more of a concept artist, so it might take a whle for me to improve some things. :)


  • Pookhan
    Offline / Send Message
    Pookhan polycounter lvl 13
    I've always wanted to do an Uncharted style piece. You should definitely get your block out in an engine as soon as possible to test proportions. Just looking at the size of the door compared to the fork on the right. The fork looks too big. You should check out this scene by Tor Frick:


    This is similar to that Uncharted 2 scene and looks amazing.

    Im excited to see how this progresses.
  • NomadSoul2501
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    NomadSoul2501 polycounter lvl 10
    Uncharted 2 is one of my all time favorites.
    Will be following this thread :)
  • HomeGrownHeroz
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    HomeGrownHeroz polycounter lvl 6
    Nice little diorama :)
  • a3sthesia
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    a3sthesia polycounter lvl 10
    yeah that little set works great! Can't wait ^_^
  • Spikings
    Pookhan: Thanks for the link, was really helpful in giving me some pointers on how to make textures look good in a scene. It also reminded me of vertex painting, something I haven't done before and needed to practice. :) I've tweaked the sizes of the door and the pitchfork, so it shouldn't look as strange now.

    So I spent the day doing my first vertex paints on the ground and on the stone wall on the right. The brick texture on the house isn't finished yet, but should be over the weekend.
    I did a few grass alphas also, but they don't seem right. I don't know how to make the grass feel like it's a part of the ground and reflect the light properly, it seems to be holding me up at the moment. I also had some issues with UV mapping on the top of the stone wall, but hopefully it isn't too noticeable?
    Thanks for the support guys, will keep on posting updates as I go along!

  • ayoub44
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    ayoub44 polycounter lvl 10
    nice start ! i think you should first start with making highpoly of the scene ( all the scene ) then make you low poly and kepp going . you can check out a old contest was on http://eat3d.com/ . check out the entires and wip theard and try to see their work-flow .

    good luck
  • Spikings
    Hi everyone, had a bit of art block which stopped me from doing bits and pieces this past week, but considering I haven't got much time left in the holidays to do things, I'm concentrating on finishing what I've started rather than starting anything anew.

    That aside, thanks for the advice ayoub44, I see what you mean about high poly sculpting first, then doing the rest. The scuplts on the side wall were pretty bad before, so I've redone them from scratch, although the poly count is a bit higher now. I'll get round to sculpting the rest over this week, but my computer can't cope with having all high poly sculpts in the scene at one time, so I won't be able to show you a complete screenshot.


    Here's my update, it looks similar to the previous one, but this time I'm using the high poly normals for the side wall rather than the crazybump texture of before.

    I've ran into some issues though with the lightmapping, but I have a few idea about what might be causing it. I'll have another look this evening to see what I can do.
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