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VG Remix - Jet Force Gemini

G'day, all.

A quick post to stake my claim as I get started.

I'm a second year student taking part in a Game Art course down in Australia. I've decided to join in the fun here as an extention to part of the semesters assessment. Really well timed event.

When deciding on what to create, I sometimes have a nasty habit of trying to pick out unexpected or more obscure topics. You have your Mario, Megaman, Sonic, so on so forth. All are massive parts of everyone's childhood, but seem too obvious to me.

So I decided to go with a game I was extremely fond of way back. Sadly, despite a great reception it never seemed to make much of a splash. Through all the years since, I have met very few who even know of what I speak when I mention it.

Let's see how it goes over here. Let's get to it:


I was plotting to put together something JFG related eventually anyway. This little event gives me reason to get to it sooner rather than later. Will be interesting to see how much of it I can put together in three short weeks. A schedule much smaller than any of my projects to date.

My current idea is to create a scene with all three of the characters back to back, each with a different weapon.

Updates shall follow shortly.


  • Skribbl
    Okay, so I've not been so productive in the way of a block out -yet- like many others have been so far. I have however been busy. Here's an example of what I have at the moment;

    Currently I'm working on grabbing whatever decent references I can find from around the net, as well as having the actual game behind me to check the characters as need be.

    My current task is trying to both give Vela, Lupus and Juno a nice makeover, yet also trying to keep to their original forms as best I can. (plotting to make the models in similar fasion to method of the TF2 characters by Spacey) So far I've done a few quick sketchies of the team, still working on Juno's latest one, but heres where I'm currently at with Vela and Lupus.

    Lupus was an odd one to work on. His original legs were odd round pipes that didnt really look or work as legs, and his head... yeah.
    Long story short, and several varying style designs later, I've started falling into something I'm rather happy with.

    Vela will still have a few alterations. Hand size stands out for example, as do limbs. Not finalized yet, but also being mindful of proportions. Don't want to go full on realistic, yet didn't want to keep it too close to its original.

  • Skribbl
    Okay, better get this thing going. Couple of updates are coming up~

    First up here's the team. style changes a-plenty happened as I went from realistic attempts to overly simplified. either extreme kinda lost the original character. Eventually I fell comfortable with a style sorta borrowed from artwork like Megaman Zero. slim, long bodies.

    Lupus also still provided a challenge. Never made a four legged model before. I also didn't want him to just appear as a torso with pipe legs, yet didn't also want to go for super realistic dog setup. Trying to maintain what makes him that character. Personally I think the middle ground I have found is suitable, however.

    Tri Counts:

    Lupus; 450t
    Juno; 500t
    Vela; 498t
  • Skribbl

    Needing a location central to all characters, I decided to do the character selection room. Earlier plans I was looking at attempting Goldwood or Mizar's Palace setting, but they didn't give me a setting I was happy with. Mizar's Palace being too large and empty, and Goldwood being more exclusive to Juno, as it is his starting area.

    Tri Counts:

    Player Platforms; 86t
    Lights; 12t
    Central Spire; 192t (being a larger, more key object, I have treated it as a hero prop and gone above 100t)
    Monitor Arm; 38t
    Central Monitor; 26t
    Main Floor + Encasing Stand; 124t
    Lower area; 42t

    (scene total; 864t)
  • RedRogueXIII
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    RedRogueXIII polycounter lvl 16
    Awesome a JFG entry! Your character silhouettes are pretty tall and thin. The game models and glamor shots both have stylized and enlarged proportions for heads, hands and feet that I think lend themselves better to a low poly silhouette, but it's your call.
  • Skribbl
    Likely last update for today;
    Disclaimer; Really quickly done texture up to isolate the different mats, and a really sketchy shading for the moment.

    First off; YAY! someone who knows JFG!? I ususally get blank faces from everyone when I try to discuss it :(
    Secondly; Yeah, as I said above, I've tried to capture a slight art style from Megaman Zero influence, so they do have longer limbs, smaller bodies. You may be right on the size of the heads and hands I have though. I'll look into fixing that up.

    There is a lot more I would have liked to have done though, but I'm really trying to stick to the 500 limit.

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