I'm just self-learning here, but obviously I'm going to need all the help I could. So, Hard Surface Modeling, what is it exactly ?
I have seen a lot of it around. And it's obviously, stuff of hard-surface object.
But in terms of pipeline, what is it ?
What makes it different from box-modeling or sculpting ?
Do people use subtools or multiple meshes ?
Many I see are extremely high-rez. Do we make low poly and bake ? Texturing ?
Thanks for the help guys.
basicly just the opposite of organic models/modelling.
"What makes it different from box-modeling or sculpting ? "
Hardsurface models can be done with both, altough generally a "traditional" (box/plane modelling, whatever you want to call it) way of modelling is preferred over using zbrush.
"Do people use subtools or multiple meshes ? "
Not 100% sure what you mean with this, but yes in general when you make stuff like this you will generally split it up into seperate parts to make it easier to work with, where this happens depends on the object itself.
"Many I see are extremely high-rez. Do we make low poly and bake ? Texturing ?"
Just like any other highres mesh, you make a lowpoly bake and texture it.
That explains a lot.