I've always loved turn based tactics games, and Advance Wars is one of my favorites. It also seems perfect for this competition.
Just wanted to set this thread up real quick. Hopefully I'll have enough time away from work in the next few weeks to finish this!
Next post will be a gathering of image references.
More to come!
Final submission materials!
Beauty Shots:
Those units are gonna be so freakin' fun to make. UGH. Also love the character design in this game.
Can't wait.
Right now these tiles are all from a single 64x64 texture. The original pixel art in Advance Wars seems to look like the purple "dirt" area is just a solid color, but I'm probably going to add in some noise to help it match the grass and make it look less plain.
Back to work!!
Another small update. Started working on the water texture and experimenting with how it will look when positioned next to land...
Also got some ideas on how I'm going to handle beaches and transitions into water.
Took a bit of tweaking here and there, but all in all I think I've got a handle on it. If anyone is interested in getting a closer look and tumbling around the model, I'll probably put it in sketchfab soon.
Taking a little break for the night. Hope you guys enjoy!
All the best with it!
Gonna work on trees next, then go back to texturing the other units I've modeled.
How are you doing the shadow under the bridge? Is that part of the terrain a unique texture, with the shadow baked in?
@glenatron - The shadows are faked - I've put them onto planes and placed them into the scene as needed. I'll make sure to post my texture sheets tonight when I post the updated environment.
And here are my texture sheets so far:
Still on my to-do list:
Also, it would be cool to see this in sketchfab!
@Callesw - Yes, my plan is to get this into sketchfab this upcoming weekend. That way I should have the entire last week to fix any issues that might arise from that import process.
(see first post for sketchfab scene)
As expected, I had to do some messing around to get the alpha to work. Not sure if anyone else ran into this problem, but I was having an issue where, when I applied an opacity map to a texture, the opaque parts were still strangely translucent. I ended up putting all my objects with transparency on their own separate texture.
Anyway, this is what I've got so far! My updated checklist now stands as such:
Weeeeeird. Yeah, I couldn't ever figure out why it was doing that, but the workaround I ended up using was putting all the textures that involve transparency - the shadows, and the foam around the rocks in the water - on the same texture sheet. It didn't really solve the problem, but this way the opacity maps aren't affecting any textures that are supposed to be opaque.
Lemme know if you find out anything else about that issue, and I'll do the same!
Added a few more things to the map:
(see first post for sketchfab scene)
Now there are cities! You might also notice that I've added in the HQ building. It's unwrapped, but the texture is only blocked in at this point. Next up is to finish the HQ buildings, then move on to factories. THEN texture the other units.
Also going to keep my first post on the first page up to date with the latest sketchfab scene so people don't have to dig to find it.
@minorthreat - Thanks!!
@AimBiZ - Thank you!! I'm glad you like it!
Made another update! I now have all the cities, capitol buildings, and factories for red and blue armies, as well as their neutral versions. I'm going to hold off on making any other building types for now and move on to texturing units.
I updated the first post with the latest sketchfab scene, so check it out there!
Thank you SO MUCH to everyone for the kind words and encouragement. I've always been a big fan of the Polycount community, and your posts just reinforced that belief.
Check my first post for all my final submission materials. THANKS!
I thought the exact same thing, i'd totally play it