My diorama will contain Sora fighting Darkside in the very first boss battle from Kingdom Hearts. I'd also like to try to emulate the watercolor texture style from the Skyward Sword promotional art hence the "Skyward Sora" title.
To Do List:
- Attack effect models/textures
- Final polish pass
Completed Items:
- Darkside Model
- Darkside Rig
- Darkside UV Layout
- Darkside Texture
- Sora Model
- Sora UV Layout
- Sora Texture
- Sora Rig
- Dream Sword Model
- Dream Sword Texture
- Platform Model
- Platform UV/Texture
- Shadow model
- Shadow uvs
- Shadow textures
- Shadow Rig/Pose
And a sketchfab for the interactively inclined.
I worked on Sora this afternoon.
He's at 603 tris. I'm not really sure where else I can drop some. His hands could be condesned into one plane instead of a split I guess and that'd save 20 more tris by my reckoning. It seems that everything else is contributing to the silhouette so taking it away will break part of the character.
And another skechfab for Sora.
Edit: Updated image to be even more SSish.
The sword is at 108 tris and a 32x64 texture. I also down-rezzed Sora's texture from 256x256 to the official contest size of 128x128.
Looking forward to see the results ^^
@Afrodiet: The "flour rolled look" is kind of the art style I'm aiming for (watercolor). I agree that he does need brighter colors though. Here's a compilation of most of the references I'm looking at for the texturing style.
Edit: Blocking out Environment ideas. Not really my area of expertise. I don't know if it is worthwhile to do the background into quarters while the character overlays on top would still be 64 rez. I suppose I could argue that that portion is a character, and upsize to 128 for a transparent overlay with Belle, Beast, and the top circle.
Here are all my textures thus far:
And here is a paint-over for where I'm headed:
An update on the platform, which is basically finished now.
But I agree with the comments: Sora is your weakest point and the main character at the same time, so maybe you need to fix that. You are trying to reach a "skyward" style, but just in Sora. The rest have an unique pixel look, which looks very good. If I were you, I would make a more "pixel-ish" Sora, but anyway the project is going very good.
Keep it up. I think this will be a good entry.
Of course in your scene, Sora's environment has a strong light source from the bottom. It also tinted warmly or yellow. This lighting is absent in the game because the PS2 didn't do lighting like that and the texture artists didn't paint it in.
I made two examples. One is the outdoors type of lighting, and the other is the stained glass window type lighting.
I'm trying to work out the effects I can/should use to get the oppressively dark/empty atmosphere from the game as well as the glow factor from the floor. So far I don't feel very successful. Also gotta work on that pool of darkness a bit more.
Hurray for a hacking! I can't upload my own background without "going Pro" you say? How's about I make a giant geosphere and use that instead? Too bad you can't turn off the ability to see both sides of a face for specific objects. With that this solution would be perfect.
I'm going to work on creating more of a focal point in my scene by adjusting some overall texture brightness on the floor I think. It's also difficult to see the shadows on the dark swirl so I need to come up with a way to make them more visible. Maybe.
Edit: Adjusted the floor textures a bit.
Edit: And yeah, what evilblah says. I'm getting weird conflicts too when I rotate the camera around. Pulling the swirl away from the ground plane a bit will fix that.
Spacey: I'll take a look at moving the arms later tonight to see if I can fix the diagonals. It's something I've avoided pretty well on everything else, but Darkside was one of the first models and I had no idea what I as doing concerning the pixel art style at that time.
Also trying out a different composition. Any thoughts?
There are also separate sketchfabs of each major part of my scene separated out so you can view the wireframes and/or a little bit more on how they were constructed.