Hello , I am making a wall tiles set , I have made 256 x 256 shape squares, set up all the pivots etc , the walls straight snap well in the game engine ( skyrim ) but when I try to make a curved one I can't get to align well on the other side , I have centered the gismo on the bottom vertex and seemed fine but I can't get to align well so I guess this is the wrong way to do it ...
also bending that wall creates an ok stretch for the exterior merlature but the interior one results to be too narrow and pressed , how can I solve those problems?

whats ffd ? and what 3x3x3?
or just eyeball it with the bend modifier with fine increments, is all i can think off for max.
things like this are a bit easier in maya, since the bend deformer operates in radians
Reconstructingfrom scratch all the details of the curved wall out of straight bridged planes?
Assuming you are working on a grid with tiles and want to go one unit up and one unit over. The magic number is right around 78.6.
Not sure how your tiling is setup but you might try tiling 2x on the outside of the curve and 1x on the inside... kinda depends on how your maps are setup and if there's a good place to hide the seam.