I've never really done any rigging or animating when it comes to UDK
So I have no idea how to go about this, I have this UV based eye rig sitting in Blender, The bone doesn't control any geometry, just UV coordinates.

I think it's possible to control UVs through the material editor (can someone confirm) but how do I go about having it controlled in game as part of a rig.
I think I've made some good progress, I can animate the eyes now but I can only control the X,Y coordinates with one value, so the eyes move diagonally.
Is there anyway I can split the X,Y coordinates in the material editor and give them separate parameters so I can control them individually?.
Simply add a float2 to the texture coordinates.
The R-value of the float2 controls the U-offset, while the G-value controls the V-offset.
I'm not aware of any method of getting rigging information into the material editor though.
would you be able to give a quick example?
ITS TINY, The original got deleted and only the icon remains.
So this is what i could get from it, But it's not working atm, That Custom node is what the problem is, I don't know if that's the one he used, or if it was something else.
That node is set to Float2, but the editor says "error x3080: 'customexpression0'. function must return value"
But its still not working, Do I need his exact rig with the masking and Lerp
Custom Nodes are for you to plug your custom HLSL code into, but I see no reason for you to do it for texture offsetting.
What I meant with a "float2" is a vector of 2.
You can create one by holding down the "2" button and leftclicking into the editor.