This time going for hard surface modeling. Doing a gun for a first time, and choosed M4A1 Assult Riffle. Not going for 100% one to one match with the real riffle, but something good enough.
hrs worked: ~15hrs

Your Crits and comments welcomed as always.
Rails are not fully cut and spaced, they are only cut about 45% depth of what you have now.
Upper has smoothing errors on the main tube, you probably didn't use a high enough sided cylinder as a base and had to add in extra loops to support more detail - this skews the smoothing and looks off.
Pinching above the trigger guard, left side.
Floor plate of the trigger guard is tiny, you could thicken it up so it bakes better and doesn't alias as much.
Pistol grip could be smoother and more curved.
Will soften the edges a bit more, and fix mentioned parts.
Only reason I said, wont go for 100% is I got the reference images from here,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.49478099,d.bmk,pv.xjs.s.en_US.c75bKy5EQ0A.O&biw=1366&bih=705&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=Ve3sUYOjL4W3rAfHjoHICw
And none 2 looks exactly same, and I dont know which one to follow, So, what I did was did some part from 1 image and other part from other image.
Sorry if the image miss leaded you, since I used Zbrush only for rendering as I dint have to worry abt lighting and rendering in Maya. I did all the work in Maya, but will be doing all the small details as screw and texts like that in Zbrush now.
Again, thanks alot for your time, It does help.
Btw, Should I post gun's part separately ? So, people can see more detailed ?
Just got some more closeup shots, like in these for example:
That zbrush render is a bit unappealing, and rendering out a highpoly isn't exactly hard (just a basic material, bit darker diffuse, some spec/gloss, add lights, do some basis render settings (resolution/aa/etc), takes maybe a couple of hours if you never done that before, but then you can just reuse that scene/setup for all the other works you do).
Presentation does a lot more then you think, especially if it's for your portfolio, go that extra mile
on the model, usual stuff, get more ref and be critical when modelling from it.
Some more proper reference then random google search images:
(the M4 bushmaster is a good set, same with the SDI)
EDIT: Forget what I said, i got confused because of the rails, which made it look like its longer than it really is. That said, it might be a a small bit (2cm) long, but not as much as I thought it was. I suggest you check your references in that case.
Had been busy with some other work but back to business now.
Did few changes like, changed the RIS, soften the edges, and few more details... More Parts had to be made/fixed, but for now here is the current update
try making them more like this
I'm aalmost happy with the model.. Feedback welcome if you think some part is wrong or something.
Will be soon starting with the lowpoly and baking.
Yes I am making the game res model too and I did try to smoothen the edges (might have missed somewhere though).
Here you go in viewport render.
WIP till now.