Do those octopi only have 6 tentacles? It also seems strange that they have such big mouths on the top of their heads, octopi generally have small mouths/beaks under their eyes, and then a big head.
If this is supposed to be a cartoon for kids, would there be any chance in the future for something with a little bit more story behind it in the future?
I kind of like the slight surrealism with the crab and octopus again, but at the same time, it's maddening to see just this "ambient" animation from this and previous videos. It'd be nice to see something, even if a minute, like a short that incorporates a story. It was cool to see the first time around, but now, I have to gently admit, it's not holding my interest.
This is all under the assumption that this is more than a hobby and that you want to get paid for it somehow in the future. If it's just hobby stuff, feel free to just keep dabbling.
It sorta weirds me out that they have mouths on the tops of their heads.. They're really anatomically incorrect and that is a little distracting for me.
Yeah the mouth really bugs. Sure cartoons are 'unrealistic' but the anatomy shouldn't be made up. We don't want kid's thinking octos have mouths like that.
It's oddly mesmerizing. I don't know if I'd show that to kids - because it's so trippy, but depending on the writing, I could see that being big with adults who get the munchies at 2AM for one reason or another... Or whoever watches Adult Swim...
please watch in HD
Do those octopi only have 6 tentacles? It also seems strange that they have such big mouths on the top of their heads, octopi generally have small mouths/beaks under their eyes, and then a big head.
I kind of like the slight surrealism with the crab and octopus again, but at the same time, it's maddening to see just this "ambient" animation from this and previous videos. It'd be nice to see something, even if a minute, like a short that incorporates a story. It was cool to see the first time around, but now, I have to gently admit, it's not holding my interest.
This is all under the assumption that this is more than a hobby and that you want to get paid for it somehow in the future. If it's just hobby stuff, feel free to just keep dabbling.
Please watch in HD
education can be fun but it needs to be correct.
Now Anglerfish is added in scene. Watch a little animation here in HD