Ninja Dojo 5.7 updated for Black Belt and Grand Master. Can be found on Creative Crash and the Ninja Dojo Page
5.7 updates
Ninja Dojo
1. Added constraints to the Ninja Dojo Toolbar on the main UI. This is now context sensitive.
Ninja Mesh 3.0
1. updated translate, rotate, scale constraints so it is now context sensitive.
2. (New) Added Ninja Divide. This will divide edges on a mesh to a certain length. Auto Divide Edges will divide your whole mesh.
You can also divide single edge rings with Divide Edge Ring.
Ninja UV 4.2
1. Inproved the Copy And Paste UV. You can now copy and paste from object to object.
2. Added Scale Tools to the Ninja UV Panel inside the UV editor.
3. Added Copy and Paste Tools to the Ninja UV Panel inside the UV editor.
Ninja City
1. Fixed an issue that was not placing the buildings correctly in the Random City Generator
Bonus Tools.
Ninja Pipe
1. Fixed a couple updating issues
Ninja Dojo Web Page:
Ninja Dojo has been tested and verified in maya 2014.
5.8 updates
Ninja Asset 2.3
1. fixed an error that would occur on load if you didnt have an asset bookmark file.(this would not cause ninja dojo to stop loading)
Ninja UV 4.3
1. optimized speed when collecting uv shells. This will affect shells with a large number of UVs.
Ninja Mesh 3.1
1. updated select by same name to reselect the original object last
Ninja Rename 2.2
1. updated select by same name to reselect the original object last
Ninja SpeedBox 2.0
1. Contexts will now get combined if you are in multiple contexts
2. Single and Multiple Context has been removed and been replaced with Mesh context
Ninja City
1. Fixed an issue with custom floor plans
Ninja Dojo Web Page: