I found this concept by deviant id. "Bezduch" and i felt like this is a good piece to practice my hand painting skills on.

My work.

overall i feel quite satisfied and want to start painting but there is one issue. the stone wall i don't know how i shall model/present it since i feel that the showing basemesh wont work.
Nice scene so far. Keep on going!
If I where you, I would model a little more depth of the rocks within the wall, but still keep it as one object. This way you can easily paint the seperations of the rock, and it will give a much better feeling.
Keep up the good work, I'm really looking forward to see the final scene.
I notice the edge lips of the crates could be thicker, it facilitates the hand painted style more and will read better from farther away.
sorry for the late response.
I have not the total free time that i thought i had and at the same time working on 2 diffrent projects .
anyway here is an update.
i have struggeld a bit with the wall issue ,how i should build it and represent it and i think that this could work for now.
Looks awesome already, cant wait to see you tackle handpainted!
May i ask, have you just switched from MAX to Maya? I see the wireframes changed from a clay finish to the Maya Perspective colours.
Had never heard of texripper before this; watched a video on youtube and wow
Keep it up man!