Hey guys here is a model sheet I made for a character I'm modeling this quarter. I'm working on the highpoly currently. The next step will be to retopo. afterward applying textures to the low poly from the polypaint and ideally I would like to add animation.

Here is her backstory and a earlier concept.
Kira was walking through a clients house for some repairs. As she was walking by one of the tables a lamp fell and hit the floor. As she turned quickly to look at the clang noise she now found herself in a new place with rolling hills of grass and in need -of -repair windmills. Unbeknownst to her she had been transported to another planet. Out of this strange outworldy occurence she observed that many of the structures on this planet were in need of repair. As a carpenter by trade she pondered on the idea of this strange planets disrepaired problem and wanted to help. A small orange furry wide mouthed creature, known as a greeble, loudly grunted and scared her out of concentration. The little creature about 3 ft high pointed to her and then to one of the structures. Kira looked at the creature in astonishment never seeing anything like it. She then proceeded to look at the structure and figured that helping these little creatures might allow her to go back to her regular life.
Here are some render shots from ZBrush.

Feel free to leave feedback and critiques. Hey thanks for looking more to come soon.
Hey guys here is an update on Kira.

Kira Close Up with added toolbelt and trusty hammer.

The high poly is close to being done the next step will be to add details such as skin pores and texture work.
Hey guys here is the start of polypainting Kira.

Here is a close up of Kira I am starting to laydown the base colors then will add in shadow and lighting details.

Thanks for looking and if you have any comments suggestions or feedback I would be glad to hear it.
More to come soon.
Hey guys here is the polypainted Kira. I'd like to add some more details then move onto the next phase, Retopoing.
Hey Polycounters haven't posted in a bit. So here is the beginning stages of retopoing Kira.
Here is further progression of the soon to be low poly of Kira's body.
This is the completed version of Kira's Low Poly body. The next phase is to take her into 3dsmax and do some cleanup work. You might have noticed that she doesn't have hair like in the original images of her. This is because early on when I was retopoing her hair I realized that it would create a lot more geometry that could be solved by using planes instead. The planes will have a texture applied to them to act as her hair, I'm doing this for making it more efficient for when its in engine. Afterward I'll be importing the objects such as her hammer and tool belt to optimize those more for an in game model. Thanks for looking more to comes soon.
Hey guys I haven't shown anything in a bit. So here is the low poly version with textures applied. I've been having trouble getting the alphas to work within the targa file in which her textures are being referenced. This is the next little hurdle within progressing. After finding out whats up the next step will be jumping into creating a custom rig for her.
Here is Kira's wireframe. More to come soon thanks for looking.
This is a render from 3dsmax. I took this to show the change of her hair. At first I had it as planes with an alpha. But as I looked at it more I came to the realization that it looked too flat. So I decided to change the hair to cylinders. in this case I felt it gave her hair more volume.
Here is a render of Kira's skeleton. The next phase will be skinning and then animating.