So I'm still building out the mesh and extruding it along the frame of the head. I've found the sculpt geometry to be especially useful in terms of keeping the mesh in a nice form. Here's the current status:

Currently its approx 3000 faces, the back of the head and side/ear are not complete neither is the neck. I have half the face special duplicated over as an instance so I could get a better look.
Let me know what you think or suggestions on tools, I mainly use the extrude, soft select (which I discovered this morning by accident) and the sculpt geometry tools.
anyway, no harm in building a nice sub d model first and then zbrushing the fine detail
looks ok so far
Appreciate the feedback
I'm looking into a academic license on zbrush. Here's a question, any links to something covering the topic of the term retopo?
Now I will! Didn't know there was a polycount wiki!
anyways here we go:
I'd say the main problem is the back of the head. I ended up hiding the extra detail edges just behind the top of the ear but I believe it was bad topology along the cheeks, chin and eyes that really caused all the extra edges. How do you improve your mesh building to address something like that? How do you begin to understand the number of edges needed for detail?