So i have been trying to get my head around the whole gamma correction dealio. and it seems like the recommended way is to use it. problem is, in max it looks like crap. heres a plane with the tga-texture at the right aplied to a plane with a standard material and then a xoliul shader 2 material. first with gamma correction disabled and then with it enabled.

while i can certanly see why you would want to have it enabled, like how the standard material to the right is way to dark, i dont understand why it looks so crappy with it enabled. the banding on the black parts are terrible, and it looks nothing like the original map, which is kind of the whole point when working with linear workflow right?
right now what looks best is xoliul shader with it disabled. but thats because xoluil shader has its own inbuildt gamma correction i think. so how can i make the max gamma correction looks as nice as xoluil shaders?
also my settings for gamma correction are;
display 2,2
x affect colour selectors
x affect material editor
input gamma 2,2
output gamma 2,2
any help would be highly appriciated!
are you using nitrous drivers?
And you're not meant to, just post it in Photoshop.
let me say again stickadtroj I got your example working fine, so it must be another issue.