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RobiZ's troubleshooting thread

So I'm making a thread for my problems.

So first of all , now I'm Working on a rock wall (the tutorial was here in forums).

I got a question if the normal map is looking good enough(or not bugged). I'm concerned somehow about those Sharp edged squares on the bottom plane. I made the normal map in xNormal, by high poly and low poly model.

Normal map:

The model and UV map. The map is not cutoff at bottom as it is in the image:


  • ZacD
    Online / Send Message
    ZacD ngon master
    it looks like an issue with the UV map, what does the model look like with just a checkerboard texture applied?
  • robis97
    I checked if there was overlapped UV's with xView , it told me there are 28 of them. How do i fix them exactly ?


    The dark spot with very much polys look weird. (Maybe that's one of the reasons ?)
  • ZacD
    Online / Send Message
    ZacD ngon master
    Definitely looks like most of the issues are being caused by the uv map, the squares should not look so distorted.
  • robis97
    Ok so i rendered UV template with the overlapping UVS here's the picture

  • ZacD
    Online / Send Message
    ZacD ngon master
    Yeah, there shouldn't be any UV overlaps for a mesh like this, fix and relax your UV map.
  • robis97
    The strange thing is that , I can't really find a overlap there. Like there are no two uv's stuck or something

    Are there any good tutorials how to fix the overlaps ?

    EDIT: I found a tutorial , but when i select the verticies where the overlap is and relax , it doesn't fix it :(
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Try a reset XForm, put on a Edit Poly modifier and collapse everything, now try again and see if the issue is still there.

    Try and also Backface Cull the model, and see if there are any nasty polygons maybe stuck there on the mesh.

    BTW, is that a clean mesh? I'm noticing alot of n-gons on your mesh, if you took your high poly and simply decimated it, then that could be part of the problem.
  • ZacD
    Online / Send Message
    ZacD ngon master
    The overlaps are vertexes overlapping. When you uv, you are basically flattening your 3d model. You have parts of your model over lapping itself, when it should be completely flat and smooth, it's like a blanket with parts folded over itself. Each uv island should not overlap itself.

    Imagine uving is like trying to unpeel an orange in as few pieces as possible and flattening the peel. You have vertexes in you UV that are not flattened properly. the best way to fix it is using relax tools, or by selecting one of the red vertexes, and moving it while looking at the checkered model in the viewport.
  • robis97
    I didn't optimize it , i went trough retopolgy process. Later on i edited the mesh by hand, because there were some bugs.

    That XForm process, how exactly should it be done? (I'm kinda new to 3ds max, i have experience in 3D modeling , but there are some things I don't know 100%).
    I tried to apply Xform, then edit poly and collapsed the polygons, it just turned as a mess.
  • cw
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    cw polycounter lvl 17
    your overlaps are because of ngons which look to be triangulated in such a way that the triangle overlaps the border of the polygon. In other words, connect up those ngons how you want them and it max won't triangulate bits for you and get it wrong. :)
  • robis97
    cw wrote: »
    your overlaps are because of ngons which look to be triangulated in such a way that the triangle overlaps the border of the polygon. In other words, connect up those ngons how you want them and it max won't triangulate bits for you and get it wrong. :)

    Ok i think this will be the problem. I just discovered that the whole mesh is almost all ngons
  • robis97
    Fixed the Ngons, i think it fixed it. The only problem i see is that middle plane's bottom is somehow weird.
  • robis97
    Ok I fixed everything and basically it's good now
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