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Mechanical Rigging question

polycounter lvl 11
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Add3r polycounter lvl 11
Hey guys, I have a couple of minor questions about some mechanical rigging I am doing for some freelance work. First of all, I am a pretty big newb when it comes to rigging in general. I can do basic stuff, like setting up simple controls, parenting, basic constraints, skin weights, etc, the easy stuff. I am primarily an artist.

I have been tasked with working on some safety training related 3D simulation type work, and I am in charge of the entire process, from all the asset creation to final renders/engine work, to implementation in the presentation for classes. I am currently about to tie up the rigging on this lil' guy. The problems would best be described in person or through video, so here she is. Sorry for horrible quality, YouTube ate my 1080p video.


The answers should be pretty simple, just unsure how to go about it. Hopefully its just the order in which I parented the objects.

Thanks guys.


  • 54Strat
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    54Strat polycounter lvl 5
    Use a couple of locators as targets for the hydraulics constraints.

    Create a locator, parent it under the base in the position of the hydraulic pivot and create another locator parented under the boom arm in the position of the end of the hydraulics. Point constrain both piston parts to their respective locators, then aim constrain them at the other locator respectively.

    This should work, at least it didi in the 2 minute mock up I did of your rig. When the base is now parented under the chassis, that should work correctly too now.
  • Add3r
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    Add3r polycounter lvl 11
    Awesome! Thank you so much for the help, will try it out in the morning. Need to step away from Maya for the night... Will let you know the progress :)
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