Practice for making characters.
I want deus Ex HR/Crysis arms.
She's also have a carbine/short automatic Rifle and a hover bike and rendered in unity web browser.
So far only got the gun blocked in.
I want a flip-out-able foregrip and slide-out-able stock.

A bike is even more work. And a whole character on top, thats work for weeks, and if you're a beginner, this will be insane.
If you are not realistic about your outcome you will be disappointed. Set short goals which are not too easy but achievable.
Gonna retopo now.
why? The gun is barely past blockout stage. (assuming you are going for something realistic)
Do you have some sort of sketch/ref/concept you made for that gun?
Only the silhouette I did in the first post.
Refs included were (but not limited to) the xm8, mp7, f2000 and ak47.
Let me know what's missing.
I didn't want rails though, and the foregrip was detailed in zbrush (couldn't import it back into maya, too high poly).
I'll keep those in mind when doing a more assault type character.
For now, I'm going for a stealth look.
I agree with this. I think you should take a step back and re-evaluate the project and your goals. I'm not sure of your past experience; however, a character is a ton of work. There's a lot to learn in anatomy and proportion which can take a long time if you haven't studied it yet. In addition, creating a hover bike is huge in itself. If your focus for this project is a character, perhaps you should start with the character and add the gun and hoverbike much later. Anyhow,
For your gun so far. You say that you are going for a stealth look but it looks very assault like to me. I took some time to look through some Deus Ex: Human Revolution guns and characters. If you look at Yelena, she uses two Machine Pistols. I did a drawover(?) of the machine pistol and your weapon.
I hope this all helps and good luck with the project.
He meant details as in nuts and bolts. Scratches. Dents. Safety. And all the small details. Not about big rails or assault weapons features.
Ah, my apologies then. I saw "stealth" and Deus Ex and I went right to the machine pistol / Yelena as reference. I do still think the gun is not very stealthy. The biggest issue I have is the drum mag.
Like I said in the first post, I'm going more for a stealthy carbine/short assault rifle.
An SMG seems very inaccurate and inefficient to me, especially if using two at once.
Nuts and bolts were in my updated image but I didn't go overboard with them.
Scratches dents etc will be added in the normal map. I didn't have a safety, but I did have a firing mode selector, charging handle and ejection port.
I don't know what else there is to add after that, but they would prolly be covered by the furniture.
In my head.
I have a good idea of how I want her and the bike to look. I'm thinking the gun will be the hardest part.
Attached is the current direction.
I think the metal casing/furniture is what made it so bulky (and the drum barrel), so I've pretty much stripped it down to the receiver, barrel, grip, and a uzi style flip-over stock. There will be a little of the casing over the barrel so it doesn't look so bare. I really wanted the drum though....
I guess people use third party image hosting?
IDK WTF is going on in the red circle.
Maybe someone here does.
-Also, for texturing:
Substance Designer vs dDo.
Am I the only one no too fond of dDo?
Should I be blown away by it?
It seems best for hard surface textures with various wear n tear presets....
Substance isn't as fast, but it gives you absolute total control.
I have days remaining for both as trials, then I'll pay for the hobby version of one of them, but substance doesn't seem as popular as dDo.
I'm leaning towards it, but I don't wanna buy it then it goes outta business or something.
Also might be good to give THIS a read.
For the Substance dDo question... I'd say neither of those... if you don't know how to actually do basic texturing yourself it doesn't really help to use onebutton software (even if actually neither of those are). Sure they give some pretty quick and good result, but if you're not learning anything from it, it's useless and probably even hurting your art.
Anyway, you're gun at the moment seems lacking to me, the design looks like it's missing a lot and some details (aka the stripes on the handles) look rushed and a bit random, but that's probably caused by smoothing groups not being properly divided for the bake.
Look at reference, LOTs of them, even the Deus Ex weapon beefaroni posted is a good example of what make a good weapon design. It's got a lot of different shapes and are working really well togheter, even if it's not the kind of weapon you're going for.
Do more research, as designing stuff is a really complicated business
Sorry if I'm sounding harsh, it's not really my intention, but i've been at the point where i wanted to get things done quickly and i can assure it doesn't pay off.
Be patient about your art, cause if you don't give it all you can it'll probably disappoint you in the end.
TY for the link. Normals were baked in xnormal.
For whatever reason, I googled substance designer, and saw that it was on sale in steam with 10 mins remaining. I bought it.
I know the basics of texturing.
The last thing I did in photoshop was a character that took SOOOO long, so I was looking for a way to speed up the process.
Some of dDo results are nice, but it didn't have enough control to me. -But I did a motorcycle in substance and loved it.
Check it here (character done in only photoshop, bike done in only substance):
Unity plug in req.
(I think the front issue was just a maya viewport prob. It looked fine in substance and unity.)
Two different directions below.
I still wanna go with the solid black look though
Someone mentioned breaking up the materials
Steyr Aug a2 with a fold-able foregrip and shortened barrel+silencer.
I have a question though, if I wanna use UDK to present this, then NO UVs should be stacked right? Even the screws should all have their own uv space?
You can stack uvs in UDK, just not for the second uv set if you want to use lightmaps. Which is probably not the case for a weapon anyway.
Ty but I guess I'm not that...literate in UDK yet.
I'll google lightmapping later.
I think toolbag is "winning" cause it pops more, but I like the subtle UDK look too.
I can't decide.
Can someone decide for me?
I'm also thinking of downloading cryengine to do a few test renders.....Once their site is back up.
Thanks to the UDK master material tutorial of Ryan Smith.
I liked the idea of learning the nodes of the material editor to fine tune the overall look.
BringMeASunkist Also shared some critiques with me at DA.
I like the version with the rough stock, but I guess it wasn't realistic.
Two renders for now.
I guess the chick with have the version without the rough stock.
Already have a rough idea of what she looks like, so I'm gonna model the chick then paintover concept art for her uniform.
Before jumping guns (pun intended) and starting your design on a organic model such as a human being I would first get this gun part to look good. Get a lot more reference, study the reference and try to reach the feeling that the reference gives you. If you have two monitors keep the reference images open on one while you work on the model at all times.
Hi-res reference
Steyr Aug
I think your trying too much too fast, slow down and master the steps it takes to become one of the top 3d artists. I know by my own experience that I make the mistake of choosing a too difficult/extremely large project while I would get a better result with smaller projects and make those look awesome instead.
Thanks for the words.
Would you say the top image is any better than the bottom image though?
BringMeASunkist pointed out that the bottom image was too rough, so I removed the roughness and the end result was the top image.
(it seems poly count put the two images really close together, making it look like one).
Here it is again, top image only:
Also, wires were on the first page.