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Body Base Mesh (Help & critique needed)

polycounter lvl 5
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Alexander.W polycounter lvl 5
Hello everyone,
i am working on my first full body base mesh and i need some help with the proportions and such. I started this model 2 days ago and i feel like i´m kind of stuck. I really don't know what it is but it seems like something is wrong with the body (apart from the missing Hands that i tried to model a few times but it did not work out quite well.)

So if you could give me some advice on how to get a realistic body mesh to start sculpting with, that would be really great. This body is supposed to me my character in a game i´m working on but i will also use it for sculpting a high res model for my Portfolio later on.:)

So here are some pictures of the model i have right now.



Also i would like to know if anyone knows a good tutorial for modeling hands as i have big problem with those. Any other lecture that you can recommend for Modeling humans is also appreciated.



  • Alexander.W
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    Alexander.W polycounter lvl 5
    Oh yeah is should have mentioned that i am from Austria and my mother tounge is not English so sorry in advance for any mistakes.:)
  • adhd_snake
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    adhd_snake polycounter lvl 8
    It's a good start. I would collect as much anatomy reference as you can.

    Check out


    There are some really good character modeling tutorials there. I hope this helps.
  • JohnnyRaptor
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    JohnnyRaptor polycounter lvl 15
    Hey dude, i was bored at lunch so i did this quick video for you,

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rv_El8viVpc"]Hand in 10mins - YouTube[/ame]

    Not the best hand in the world, but shows the process from start to finish.

    Brushes i used wer claytubes, inflate, standard with alpha 39 and move brush.

    hope it helps :)
  • thepapercut
    One thing I would say, and this is just my opinion is you could remove a loop or two of edges from your arms. Keep at it!
  • Alexander.W
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    Alexander.W polycounter lvl 5
    @johnnyRaptor Wow that looks amazing but i try to keep it as low poly as possible so i can use this mesh as a starting point for some more characters. But once i come to the point where i have to sculpt things i will make use of the video. Thanks.

    @thepapercut Yeah the arms a mess i know i will have too redo them.

    I just.. well lets call it finished my first Head sculpt not too good i know but i just wanted to mess around with the sculpt mode and get a little bit more into the tools. I am not even sure if i should post it here, but i guess i want to share all my progress in this thread so i can hopefully look back at it once I mastered the art of creating a realistic body. So here is my first attempt.

  • JohnnyRaptor
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    JohnnyRaptor polycounter lvl 15
    Hi Alex,

    Until you get more confortable, you could always zremesh your sculpt to get a lowres mesh with decent edge flow.

    The beauty of dynamesh is that you can start doing art right away without having to worry about edgeflow and technical stuff.

    And with the new zremesher, you get some resonably decent edgeflow to get you started with your game mesh.
  • Alexander.W
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    Alexander.W polycounter lvl 5
    @JohnnyRaptor Thanks for the advice and sorry that i it took me so long to reply but i was really busy today. As of now i really have no idea what Edgeflow and zremesh really means as i am new to the hole sculpting process even though i am working with blender for about a year and a half now. I guess I will have to do some research on this topic tomorrow.

    Anyway i was sculpting a new Head today. This time i started from scratch and didn't use my Base mesh. I think it is a little bit better than my first attempt but it is still a long way to go. Anyway this is how it turned out.

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