I've been having trouble with some recurring (yet inconsistent) issues with exported models that contain animations.
I use a custom rig for my character/creature models, all with the same naming conventions etc. Everything animates fine in Max but somewhere between exporting the FBX and loading it into the game engine some of the bones go wonky.
From Max:

In game:

We've imported the file into Maya and the Autodesk FBX tool and they all match what I see in Max 100%, but we've also loaded it into several rendering engines and the wonkiness shows up in all of those, so we're completely lost as to where the problem is occurring.
Even something as simple as one bone rotating an object goes wrong, it seems as if the pivot point is swapping to the other end of the bone causing it to rotate off center.
Importing the FBX into Maya then re-exporting it seems to solve/lessen the problem.