Hi All,
I'm extremely new to modeling and am trying to work my way through some 3ds max tutorials. On only the second one 'Modeling a rook' after I do:
Lathe the basic shape:
- On the main toolbar, choose the Select tool. In any viewport, select the spline representing the rooks profile.
- With the spline selected, go to the Modify panel. From the Modifier List, choose Lathe.
- On the Parameters rollout, click the Min button in the Align group.
- Set Segments to 36 and turn on Weld Core.
Prepare the top for the battlement:
With the rook still selected, make sure you are still in the Modify panel.
- From the Modifier List, choose Edit Poly.
- On the Selection rollout, click the Polygon button.
- Try selecting the top of the rook. You can only select a fraction of the area; 1/36th of the top area, to be exact.
- On the Selection rollout, click the Vertex button.
- Select the vertex in the top-center area of the rook.
Step 5 is where I am having problems. After I lathe the basic outline I actually have 36 vertices at the center of my rook not 1. I went on and selected all 36 vertices and tried the next set of instructions but instead of getting an inset I get the attached: 'insetgoneout.png'
Any hints on how to fix my lathing would be great. Hopefully, so I only get a single central vertex and perhaps this will also fix my inset issue.
Many thanks,