Its been a long time since I didnt have a nice realtime 3D project, and I have the idea of making a Next-gen style remake of an old games level. It would be the opportunity for me to learn ZBrush and to try UDK (I already know low poly modeling on 3DS, unwrapping UV and texturing with PS).
So after reading/viewing tutorials on Zbrush, Im trying to begin with a simple wooden crate. My goal is to aim something like this
http://www.zbrushcentral.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=263114 a low poly model with nice normal / diffuse / etc maps
So I model my low poly wood box. I export it as a .obj and import it into Zbrush. I subdivide and...wait

After a search, ZB doesnt know the smoothing groups. I read something about support edges so I give it a try. But in ZB when I subdivide the density is ultra high on the support edges and ultra low on the rest.

So I look on the internet, and find this workflow :
I give it a try and model a high res version of my box, but I still have problems :

With this version, in ZB I still have a inflatable balloon instead of a wood box

With this version, in 3rd level of subdivision my computer begin to crawl because of too many polygons.
Here I am now, stucked on the path between 3DS and Zbrush. I dont know what workflow to use since its my first next-gen project.
I am open to your help, comments, workflows... Everything that could help me improve my skills and achieve my scene !
1) Turn off "SMT" beside the Divide button. That will make it so there is no smoothing applied when zbrush divides your mesh. So you can leave it off for a few divides, then turn it back on for your final ones and it will mostly keep the shape with just a little rounding of the edges.
2) If you really want some hard edges, select whichever edges you need sharpened on your lowest subdivision (select lasso is my choice, and having polyframes turned on also helps) and hit crease. It will sharpen along the perimeter edges of your selected polygon(s)