I'm sure I should be able to do this in 3DS Max, but not sure if I'm just doing it wrong or not.
When using the Projection Mapping is there any way to project the chosen items diffuse texture information to the object you are rendering a texture for?
Obviously this works nicely for normal information from the chosen mesh, but doesn't seem to be working for diffuse data.
I'm thinking this isn't possible this way, but is there an alternative way to project one meshes texture data onto another?
I'm guessing it's hiding in the Render To Texture feature somewhere...
Thanks for any help
Sorry, realised what my problem was. For some reason I'd un-ticked the diffuse channel for material I was baking from. I thought I was going mad for the last 30mins!
But, if you want to render textures from one uv layer to another you need to define a second one and choose another target layer in die render to texture settings.
ahh you already solved it.