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Crazy secondlife detail

polycounter lvl 7
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Polynaut polycounter lvl 7
Can someone please tell me how something like this is in a game like secondlife? I see no edges, nothing sharp.. just smooth round, everything!


How is this object not 1 mil+ polys? Any help would be great.. it's got me baffled.


  • Polynaut
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    Polynaut polycounter lvl 7
    Got some wireframes from the guy who wants me to create stuff like this for him..


    No tricks.. just a ton of verts.. I don't understand how a game like SL runs if people are creating necklaces like this. This has to be in the 100-200k range, right? I think hero characters in next-gen games are going to be around 45-75k now?? hah. Crazy....
  • rube
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    rube polycounter lvl 17
    Second life just runs horribly in general. I've tried loading it up a few times but can never stand more than 10 minutes of choppy laggy performance. Stuff like this only adds to it.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    People who model in SL aren't professionals, kinda like most poser artists, they know how to model and maybe throw some quick textures on it, and enough different materials to make it look functional, but when it comes to optimization, there is zero of it involved along the line.

    And yes, as Rube said, SL and products like it's kin run horribly due to the unoptimized nature of the 'stuff' available, I don't think I was able to endure SL for more then 15 minutes, due to all the loading and dense objects on the screen.
    That necklace could have very easily had the top portion tiled and bottom cut in half with a nice normal map and some extra geo to give it a nice corner silhouette.

    That 1 necklace alone has the same amount of polies as that of 1 scene from UT3.
  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 13
    haha, that's crazy.
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