So we have an assignment to make a Zbrush sculpt based off of a Renaissance artist for our Adv. Figure Sculpture class. Our teacher is having us post our progress along the way on a forum like Polycount or Zbrush Central, so here it is.
I am doing Bernini's David and so far I have collected references, created a base mesh, and deconstructed the figures silhouette/planes/and musculature.
During this process critique is always welcome.
The references

Here is the unfinished ecorche:

And the silhouette, pose, and planes:

But here is the NickZ mesh that I built a zspjere rig in and posed. I then went over and sculpted in major anatomical forms.
As always critique and suggestions are always welcome.
Here is my next pass. I actually started over and reposed it because the first pose wasn't very balanced and I screwed up the face. I also blocked in a lot more with this pass like the hair and cloth and this next week I will start refining everything. There are parts of his pose that are still bothering me. My sculpt doesn't feel as dynamic as Bernini's and the somehow I got the distance between the hands too far apart. I definitely have a lot of work ahead of me this week to pull this off.
@pixelpatron, thanks! And I'm glad you like the ecorche because I spent too much time on it for the assignment requirements. That detailing in that ecorche is probably why my base mesh didn't turn out very well >.<