Greetings, I've recently decided to try and learn a bit of Zbrush and after fooling around with a sphere for a while, I wanted to try my hand at modeling a basic head.
I don't really have much knowledge of the program aside from the basic sculpting/brushes, so I ran into a couple problems... Most obvious in the lower subdivision level in the ears and eyes (last pic). Seems to have stretched and made it impossible to add more detail there. I hated adding more divisions because the rest didn't need it, but I kinda didn't know what else to do.
Any advice on how to fix or avoid this in the future? Perhaps some tips on sculpting ears and eyes in general? Also anything else you think might help would be greatly appreciated!
Not much change here, but I found now I have way to many subdivisions making it difficult to smooth out some areas such as behind the ear. Is the only fix to this to use dynamesh earlier in the sculpting process/at a lower res and sculpt in the details again?
Lay off of it until your low resolution mesh has all the forms you desier and need. Too many people early on thinkg subdividing willy nilly is amazing and awesome, until they realize they need to make big changes, so everything gets screwed up.
Make sure you nail ALL your big forms before you commit to smaller ones.
If your dynamesh has properly fused everything but has given you a bit too high resolution, try Dynameshing to a lower res or ZRemeshing by half until it's to a useable low res.
[ame=""]Zbrush 4R2 Dynamesh 1 The Basics.mp4 - YouTube[/ame]
Unless you got a bad cracked version of ZBrush, then it might be unavailable.
Not much change here, but I found now I have way to many subdivisions making it difficult to smooth out some areas such as behind the ear. Is the only fix to this to use dynamesh earlier in the sculpting process/at a lower res and sculpt in the details again?
Lay off of it until your low resolution mesh has all the forms you desier and need. Too many people early on thinkg subdividing willy nilly is amazing and awesome, until they realize they need to make big changes, so everything gets screwed up.
Make sure you nail ALL your big forms before you commit to smaller ones.
If your dynamesh has properly fused everything but has given you a bit too high resolution, try Dynameshing to a lower res or ZRemeshing by half until it's to a useable low res.