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Sci Fi Cop+Bike web Player

polycounter lvl 11
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CognizanCe polycounter lvl 11


  • Brian "Panda" Choi
    Offline / Send Message
    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    CognizanCE: Do you have breakdowns or a pitch for this piece of art? It's kind of hard to properly give this context when it's just been posted here with only an image and a Unity link.

    As well, turn OFF the focal lense features on whatever scene you're building this in, it's annoying to not be able to see the whole model with it being all blurred.
  • CognizanCe
    Offline / Send Message
    CognizanCe polycounter lvl 11
    Short story:
    I wanted to present a real time character and prop in a HDR-IBL real time environment.

    Long story:
    I'm an environment and prop modeler, so I wanted to try characters. The rider was practice to get the techniques down (low poly mesh, sculpt, subtools etc.)


    After the character was done, I figured why not do a prop.
    Did some silhouettes, a random zbrush sculpt, but couldn't find a design I liked. Decided to just start modeling in maya and was happier with the result.
    Retopologized the bike in 3dcoat.



    I wanted to used UDK to present the models.
    Around that time I visited polycount and saw that it had integrated sketchfab.
    I knew nothing of web based realtime renderers. I looked into other real time renderers and saw the pros and cons, then stumbled upon marmoset skyshop and to me it gave superior results. I've used unity when I worked at stratogon entertainment and trilight studios, an I know it can be played in a web browser, so I decided to go with that, knowing that getting it to do what I want would be longer and more complicated, but with the added bonus of HDR-IBL and supporting animations.

    Of course, a week after I purchased skyshop, epic released epic citadel, and I saw they even had unreal engine based browser shooter demo. I'll definitely be looking into that for my next project, if they made it public yet (I have no idea) and hopefully it supports Global Illumination, Final gather, and HDR-IBL.

    I was looking for an alternative to photoshop for texturing cause the rider took me a looong time. I tried the dDo trial which gave a fast base, but I wanted total control, and it seemed to specialize in weathered and eroded presets. I got the substance designer trial and I love it. It starts out slower, but you can then save your own presets. Much more control compared to dDo, and the vector based procedural generators are just glorious.

    Got a programmer friend help help me with basic buttons for the player cause I can't code for the life of me.

    To recap:
    I wanted to practice real-time models, then got an interest in presenting them via real-time rendering.
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