I'm beginning work and I've got a host of learning to do from Maya to Zbrush, unity and some others.
Anyways I wanted to post my first mesh based on a tutorial I'm following. The tutorial has been pretty good though I spent some time figuring out problems I noticed with the mesh after the tutorial (like the mirror geometry settings for example).
Please let me know if there is a preferred method of posting these kind of things for review, do you want to see the wireframe? What about angles? Just thoughts...
Anyways here you go:

And the UV Mapping to go along.

I appreciate any feed-back, hit me. One thing I did notice was my use of tris in places. . I was doing some reading and I know that quads are preferable. Is there anything I can do about that? I had some trouble with finding away around using tris in certain places like the breakdown of the hand where I went from higher detail to lower detail of the arm, parts of the boot and assorted other areas, some were hidden behind other parts of the mesh, some were not.
im not sure if its something you intended buy you could get a lot more detail out of the model if you had a symetrical texture, so uv half the body and copy them over instead of having 2 feet 2 hands etc on the texture map
what i like to do is uv the entire head but only half the body and duplicate it over
and get a checker box texture onto the model to make sure the scale of the uvs is all okay
if that makes any sense
As for the checker box, after I had the UV's mapped out I attempted to scale all of them in the larger UV field so that the mapping was correctly scaled. The tutorial suggested that the head be mapped to a higher scale so I could put more detail into it, so its a little larger, but the rest of the model was scaled, then scaled down together, then fit onto the sheet for the snapshot.
Wasn't to bad actually though I'll tell ya I can't imagine something with more complex UV breakout. Are there any problems with the mesh itself?
I'm doing a high poly bust of my girl's head up next, I took pictures front and side to use as reference and others (back, couple of poly from different angles). I'll post that and future work back for review.
And that's where my mistake was. I think after I copy/deleted and mirrored the geometry it put the symmetrical portions on top of each other, I undid that so I'll keep that in mind on my next model.
Simply delete half your model now. Remap it. Then mirrow your mesh, and put them back together.