
So my goal is to create character which could be used in some kind of dungeon crawler roguelike-likish game. At work i do mostly realistic characters and wanted to take a shot with something more stylized, cartoonish.
So first thing i've done was collecting references i like.

I'll try to push my character to those kind of artistic direction.
I know most of them are manga stylized, i would like to maintain those proportions but push the faces more toward "european" style.
Main guidelines i found in the reference sheets i would like to maintain on my character:
1. lack of realisitc material details
2. stylized proportions
3. simplicity
4. clean look
5. soft curves
6. hard detail only at focus points
7. friendly and memorable aparition
While ago i started making some simple silhouettes:

I like 4 most but i sorta like 2 and 3 aswell.
What do you think?