Hey guys, I figured it was time to start my first WIP thread now that I have some spare time between freelance jobs I am working right now. I am trying to start building out a new portfolio, with aims at prop/vehicle/hard surface modeler (still trying to find my niche, doing a lot of vehicles and misc props for freelance, and really enjoying it). My current portfolio is very very weak in my opinion, and my current skill set far surpasses my currently posted work. I hope to remedy this over the next few months of personal projects and freelance work!
I am currently working on an M39 EBR, Gen. 2 (newer forward rail system). There are smaller details that I have changed up for a better 3D presentation of the model. Recreation of some of the real proportions just read as flimsy and brittle, so I beefed up the front rail, flash hider, and some other minor aspects of the weapon. I am currently swapping between HP and LP work as I progress, keeping myself interested in the project. Its still a heavy WIP, and plan to update the thread as I make major steps in its creation.
WIP zBrush screenshot:

Playing around with some HP presentation ideas, thought I would throw it up on here as well for another angle of the model(really quick and dirty render/setup):

The first screenshot says zbrush, but the wireframe in the second says just normal modelling.
It's also a bit unclear what parts are just lowpoly/base and what parts are already (turbo) smoothed, but overall the edge widths seem nonexistant. (and it's hard to judge the model from the Hp render).
So if you are working in zbrush, I'd say stop, and model this the "old" way.
the grip seems way to blocky and wide, I wouldn't want to hold that in my hand.
the stock, correct me if this is some sort of knockoff/variant off this (searched but couldn't find one), but compared to the most common magpull one there is a lot of stuff that could be improved.
1) The whole front seems wrong, you modelled it as a cylinder with a rectangle sticking out, while it's more 2 half cylinders connected to eachother, and you are missing that slanted piece. (to transition from a cylinder to the more wide cheeckrest)
2) There is a small hard line there, and then a vertical piece, seems off in the model
3) Control edges are a bit off, add some to control the rounding, and there seems to be a bit of weirdness going on
4) That lever starts out rounded with the bottom part of the stock (remember point 1) and slightly gets less rounded towards the ribbed part, and you are missing some stuff, redo this completely
5) That whole inset, the spacing seems a bit iffy
6)Looking at the ref, should be obvious
7) that is actually a smooth curve going down from that line (point 2), you have this weird sort of block inset going on.
8) something minor, but that extrusion is a bit thicker on the side, and smaller at the top
9-10) check ref
It would probably be easier to just go back, grab some more ref and redo it, and don't change things to make it easier.
Oh yeah, totally forgot to mention I accidentally built a knock-off stock and the current is completely off spec, super rough, and will be completely redone. Though your critiques are spot on, and absolutely appreciate them. I was thinking about using this as a base, but I will most definitely be just tossing this current one like you said. Would be cleaner, and much easier. Thanks a ton for the paintover, super helpful.
There are other areas of the gun that I am not proud of right now (there should be an end cap on the front rail body, missing pieces on the bolt, and the rail-bridge is just a mock, and some others).
The grip, yes, after posting this noticed it is way too bulky. A simple proportion change, thanks for pointing that out