My name is Ákos Halász, I'm currently a student at University of Abertay Dundee in Scotland and just finished my second year on an undergraduate game dev course. This is my first project with UDK and basically the second with 3D modeling.

I worked on it for the whole year for two one semester module. I used the default vegetation and a few of the built-in stuff, everything else is my own creation. I would be glad to hear what you guys think about it.
Thank you!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vs00Z7vQdKE"]Postapocalyptic - My first UDK scene - YouTube[/ame]
The water - The water moves a little too much, also when the camera pans away from the water and starts to focus on the buildings, you can see the water sort of fade away. Also the area where the ground and water meets is all one color. The ground stays static color regardless of being in water or out.
Ground: What I noticed immediately was that the plants seemed to be sprouting out of the ground from nowhere. For example there was no cracks in the street or sidewalk from where the plants might have sprung from. Also the sidewalk was all one color. There was not much variation, like dark or light spots from the dirt and grim collecting.
Static Meshes: When the camera swung towards the broken interior I noticed that the damage one the building seems to be smoothed out. Feels sort of like the wall melted away rather then broke off. Also in that area why is there a box of fresh looking fruit and veggies under the tarp? Also whats with the giant broken off trunk in the middle of the street? Makes no sense, none of the trees in your scene have that big of a trunk, and neither have that color bark. Near the end of the flythrough I noticed two things. There is a fern sticking through the sandbag. Next thing is the tent next to the stop sign seems to be floating in the air.
All I can see for now, but overall looks good.
Tkfxity, well the ground's colour actually changes under the water, but you are right, it should be more obvious. I couldn't pump out more from the landscape, I have to change it to meshes soon. How do you mean the water fades away? Isn't that the normal behaviour of it when the shore is less steep?
You are absolutely right about the ground, another problem that is caused by the chopy landscape capabilites, or at least I couldn't find any solution.
The fresh fruit thing is because there are planned to be people and the building is intended to be a market.
Many good observations, I will try to look into them. Thank you.