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The UH wants to help any Indie - MOD - Pro Games Companies

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The University of Hertfordshire is looking to help any Indie/MOD/Pro Games Companies with any of your creation needs. This could be as small as just making some assets or doing some LOD right up to creating HUDs,Scaleforum, rigging, making complicated vehicles, HLSL,creating a level or two in UDK, Crysis, Unity and so on.

We can even house for free up to four workers, Locked Office (with Window), Desk, PC, Software, Kitchen, Toilet (important that one) and so on. There is even the choice of doing an MA by Research, MSc, PhD in replacement for some teaching or knowledge transfer.

Preferably you would be UK based and you would be to talk to the students once per week over a video link, Google Hangout/Skype 5-7pm GMT better still you would be able to come in and physically talk to the students and give them direction. We would be happy to help manage and run the project as a research project, extra-curricular activity or we can write it into the briefs given enough time and structure.

There is no catch but you must be happy for us to credit the project.

Here is our website -

Here is our real time Games Art Showreel

Here is our overall Showreel, VFX, 3D, 2D and Games Art -

We would love to talk, please PM me.

Best Wishes,
The UH Animation Team

P.S. (New showreel to come soon with lots of playable games)

And this is where the office will be housed-


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