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rotation gone crazy

polycounter lvl 8
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squeaklin polycounter lvl 8
hey everyone can anyone help me get my standard rotation back?
I've never experienced this before :/

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  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    You have to freeze the transformation > clear the transformations and double click the rotation button to pull out a menu for the transformation to switch to global transformation from Local.

    This happens when you have too much history of rotations on one object.

    EDIT: Be sure that the object is selected before you freeze and clear the transformations.

    EDIT2: Transformation options are in the Modify menu in the main menu.
  • squeaklin
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    squeaklin polycounter lvl 8
    I already tried that.

    I have tried-
    Re-Loading maya
    delete all by type history
    freeze transforms
    reset rotate tool

    sorry for not mentioning before
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    you have to freeze and clear transformations not just freeze them.

    Freezing it will just freeze the transformation but will not clear the transformation and reset it. You have to have the all transformations to 0,0,0 and history cleared, to make the rotation work normally.

    Any hoo; Have you tried double clicking the rotation icon on the left panel to open more options and switching it from object to global or something?

    EDIT: I wonder why they wont implement an auto freeze function like they have in Softimage XSI.:shifty:
  • squeaklin
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    squeaklin polycounter lvl 8
    yea i tried global option, nothing.
    how to clear transforms? only have reset and freeze options and tried both to no effect
  • squeaklin
    Offline / Send Message
    squeaklin polycounter lvl 8
    dont worry about it anyways past the point of use now :) ty for your help
  • CheeseOnToast
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    CheeseOnToast greentooth
    It's probably in a group which has it's own set of transforms. Open up the outliner and remove the object from the group, then freeze its transforms. Too late now, but hopefully useful in the future.
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