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Need ideas for a exterior building to model

polycounter lvl 9
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chilemang polycounter lvl 9
Hello everyone, i am in my last quarter of class here at the art institute in chicago, my portfolio teacher says i need to work on a building to finish off my reel, it should be an exterior and should be interesting, my problem is there are so many types of buildings and concepts to choose from, i have no idea where i should start i need to find something i can finish in 2 months, it should have some character, i can choose anything does anyone have any reference or any ideas of where i should look for a type of building, one of my teachers suggested i do a haunted Victorian house


  • Jason Young
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    Jason Young polycounter lvl 16
    What kind of stuff/games are you interested in? Sometimes if I've got a whole bunch of ideas and can't narrow it down, I'll just look to whatever I'm currently playing and enjoying. For instance, I just finished and loved The Last of Us, so I might make something that would fit into that. Not necessarily use a concept from the game, but find something that matches the style, quality, and universe.

    Another thing to consider is what will help round out your portfolio. If everything you've done has been realistic, you can consider doing something more stylized.
  • chilemang
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    chilemang polycounter lvl 9
    i have done 2 realistic interiors and 1 Mech Bear, so i guess a fantasy type of building would help round it out maybe?
  • Clark Coots
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    Clark Coots polycounter lvl 13
    if you're looking at doing fantasy look up some game art from WoW, Fable, and Skyrim for some inspiration/reference.
  • UltraLrod
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    UltraLrod polycounter lvl 7
    I say go around and look at where you live. You be amaze by what ideas you can come up. Then it's just a matter of turning them into what you like, fantasy, sci fi, etc
  • chilemang
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    chilemang polycounter lvl 9
    hey guys so i found some square enix concept art i really liked i am i am going to use it for inspiration and reference, i was wondering if you guys had any ideas on how i could change this concept and make it my own model Final_Fantasy_XIV_05a.jpg
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