So , i'm openning this thread to post my personal works, wip shots and sketches ..
You are welcome to critic and coment .
Hope you like the things here
Well for start, Paikuhan!
Paikuhan is a amazing characters who fights Goku at the very end of Dragon Ball Z, at the other world Tournament.
Model made for Rod Praliers DBZ facebook challange. Got 3rd Place on the contest

All done 100% with Zbrush, from zspheres basemesh to final render.

Highres images and video at :
Inspired on one of the first horror movies i can remember, Vampire in Brooklyn with Eddie Murphy.
100% Zbrush.
High res shots and turntable video at http://marianosteiner.com/
The Dragon i did for a friendly contest between me, Bruno Camara and Bruno Melo.
You can find the Contest Thread here .
We decided to do a mini-contest with a medieval theme just to keep exploring and praticing on our spare time.
The main shot is rendered with 3dsMax+ Vray and composed in Photoshop. The other shots , aswell as the video, are from MarmosetToolbag ( realtime ).
The Dragon was concepted with a lot of silly drawings and a quick sketch in Zbrush. Then retopologized using Topogun and fully sculpted and textured back in zbrush and photoshop.
Here you can see some of the early work in progress shots :
High res images and videos at http://marianosteiner.com/
CJE - That's not Piccolo
Bardler - They are all hand sculpted man, almost no alpha work on the Dragon.
Here is a quick tutorial of how i did the scales :
Credit for doing it the hard way, but it really paid off, the result is inspiring. Thanks for the process video too. Looking forward to more of your work.
you can see the sculpt video and others here : http://www.livestream.com/marianosteiner
Not sure what will come from that conference with our exCanadian Minister, but it sure was interesting to watch eh?
So here is a character i'm working for the "fighters" challange at facebook.
It's Tam Tam, from Samurai Shodown.
I'm going for a bit more realistic aproach but conserving the stylized proportions.
C&c much appreciatted
I got really inspired by a video of Ben Mauro scene concept/look dev workflow, then i tried to do something similar ( considering i'm not a good 2D illustrator ).
Would like to thanks Annex Labs for the amazing challenge, and thanks all the support and tips from my closest friends.
higher res at http://marianosteiner.com/2013/08/29/warlord/
I hope you like it!
This is the game-res model rendered in Marmoset Toolbag.
It has 59k tris and textures designed to work with next-gen phisically based shading.
4 UVlayouts for the body, 1 hor the Sword
Thanks guys for the amazing challenge, super fun!