Hello all, so I recently joined the the Voynich Manuscript contest for mixamo for experience, and one of the few things I learned is sculpting military boot/shoes and creating shoelaces is harder then it looks, (way harder

here is my final boot

so I would like to better at this and so to all the great and awesome artists here do you have any tips or tutorials in sculpting really good military boots and making shoelaces?
gnomon video tutorial
3d total ebook
I would gather as much references as possible and tried to make base forms of the boot better and only then add small details. For the shoelaces I would go with splines in max and then I would converted them into geometry shapes.
for the shoelaces is there anything similar in maya?
Create a CV curve that outlines the path of your laces.
Create a Nurbs Circle, and attach it to the end of the curve (Fast way: Hold D+C while dragging it on top of the curve)
Go to the Surfaces toolset, open the Surface menu and select Extrude