Official gameplay video was finally released:
[ame=""]Grand Theft Auto V: Official Gameplay Video - YouTube[/ame]
Sep 17th can't come fast enough. But part of me doubts its going to look as good as it did on the video (at least on current gen consoles)
Here is the actual video released today though. Thread is now pointless
edit: I see you caught it there frell, looks fantastic, especially compared to 4, going back to its no nonsense fun roots by the looks of it.
this game looks so good!
Its nice to see that they introduced new gameplay mechanics...swapping characters on the fly like that looks like it could be fun.
That city is huuuuuge.
Would be nice if the OP updates it with information, links and so on so it becomes our own Master Thread for the game ala NeoGAF/SomethingAwful.
Impressed with it's scale and scope but I'm 100% this will be in my 'never finish' category due to time constraints. If only I was 14 again.
Its tired and lame and they wont get my money from it. You put out essentially the same game for ~15 years and you bore a lot of people.
dont know if trolling...
GTA 4 + addons was one of the best experiences i had in games.
i think its super awesome they build gta 5 with 3 characters from the start.
i was realy frustrated with gta4´s ending but when the addons were released i realised it was ment to be one game all along, but just too ambitious for them to pull of at the time.
Looks pretty epic, cant wait to play tennis and buy stocks in the game. Why play anything else.
Whats the betting they make one more current gen game or do you think this will be the last?
You play as 3 characters, and there's a multiplayer character, it seems like you can seamlessly jump between characters, it'll probably be like the other gta's where there multiple missions you can do at any given time with different characters and story lines, but sometimes you just have 1 left.
I mean, did you watch the video?
Doesn't happen much nowadays. I love the experiences I have with friends on GTA, and I love how much detail scales with every new release. They're staying well within their range compared to games like Saints Row which became quite comical. But in their defense they had to become different because theres no way they could compete with GTA directly.
Seems very very dull to me, something that would be cool if you're 16, no offense.
but even besides that, euphoria physics plus guns and cars still makes me fire up 4 once in a while. definitely looking forward to this one
You sound like you've never played it online with friends. No game will ever compare