Little Witch Academia 2 (tentative title) is the sequel to the acclaimed animated title Little Witch Academia, and will once again be directed by Yoh Yoshinari and hand animated by Studio TRIGGER. The episode is currently planned to be about 20 minutes long, but we've come to Kickstarter in the hopes that we can make it even longer and better with your help! With your support, we want to increase the length of the episode by 15 minutes and make an amazing sequel that fans will be proud of! In order to accomplish this, we're hoping to raise $150,000 with this Kickstarter project.
[ame=""]Little Witch Academia - YouTube[/ame]
Sounds like a really great project, and if you're familiar with any of the key people behind studio trigger you should definitely jump in!
Seriously You yoshinari is king. Dead leaves, FLCL, Eva, Gurren Lagann. Dude is a legend.
Here's hoping they get enough for a mini series.
EDIT: I am incredibly weak-willed, backed it.