Hello. Good luck too all participants! Let me get in ))
Description :
My hero is a basically forest stranger lurking in dark woods and swamps , he is pretty kind man , but no one knows how actually old he is and how much real he is , he is very mystic( or just a fairy tail in a folk minds... But the purpose of that foggy person is to find strangiest and the most powerful artifact - the Voynich Manuscript.( missed pages of that book) Its a book about health , about curses , poisons and antidots, and with help of that missed pages he would probably have a powerful might to heal all the curses and diseases, to help people and animals... but at this moment he is just a stranger, alone , very cloth to nature and very hungry
Here it is:
Video :
Additional Turntable :
And HighPoly
And little concept
MonteCristo yep woodsy setting is its primal ) thank you .
Appreciate your attension)