im planning to retope one of my models and was wondering how would you do it?
would you have the shoulder plates be it's own separate mesh?
would you retopologized the shoulder plates to have it the suit and shoulder plate made of 1 mesh in the topology?
Would you have the skin mesh and body mesh be retopologized into one mesh?
i was wondering if i made the skin and body into one mesh, how would i apply a Subsurface type mat to the mesh to just the skin portion of the material?
(like in marmoset for example)
im sure i can alpha the skin out in udk but what about marmoset if it's one mesh?
im just wondering how you'd approach making this a lowpoly.
as you can see on the image to the right, everything is made of separate pieces atm.
Having one solid mesh for the entire body plus accessories will the be the lowest triangle solution. On the other hand having every accessory as a separate mesh will give you the best visual results, but would also increase triangle count a lot more, and might cause some clipping when animating. It really all depends on what the goal of the model is, and its intended use. If this for your portfolio then make that look as good as you possibly can.
Thank you, this helped my thought process by alot actually! It'll be a portfolio piece so i'll make only specific parts separate meshes.
Thanks again!