This month I'm trying to make Gabriel from Last Man Standing. I've always been a huge fan of the series, and I've wanted to tackle this character for awhile. I will try to update this post frequently over the month, and I would love to hear some feed back from you guys!
Right now I'm working on the face and trying to get it as close as I can, before jumping into the armor. I haven't done the scars yet.

I've been using these pictures for the facial reference.

Please be sure to let me know what you think I can improve on, and tips would be very much appreciated!
Let me know if you guys see anything you think I could improve upon!
~ Cheers!
Hope you guys like what I have so far, and be sure to let me know if there's anything I could improve on.
I've been following the placement from this picture I will probably move them down a bit more though.
and I will definitely try to fix up that nose.
Judging from some other pictures of Gabe I've seen, I think the cigarette should be wider.
Cool work thus far though! I really love Luvisi's characters, I'll be keeping an eye on this.
I still need to do more texture work with the face, and I'm starting on the helmet tonight. I also need to add burn/ash to the bullet holes, and get some emissive and bullets in them to really sell the look.