I am currently trying to customize my Maya layout to make my workflow better. In my work I do a lot of high-poly baking so I use Mayas Transfer Maps tool quite a lot. What I wanted to do was get this tool into a panel so I didn't have to have it as a torn off window. Dose anyone know if this is possible? I have been able to make custom panels but can find a way to assign the Transfer Maps tool to it.
Any suggestions would be great.
Ahh, I've misread your post :poly127:
Now transferMapsPanel1 is the incorrect name, so this is what I did to find it (hopefully you learn something):
Open up script editor > History > check the top 4 checkboxes
Edit > Clear all. Then open up the transfer maps -window.
performSurfaceSampling 1; is added to the script editor. That is the call that is done when you open the window.
Ok so what is that? Lets see, by typing this in the script editor:
whatIs performSurfaceSampling
// Result: Mel procedure found in: E:/Autodesk/Maya2012/scripts/others/performSurfaceSampling.mel //
So open up that MEL-script and search for:
...because the window command creates the window and the window holds the name. So I found this line: ...and there is your name. OptionBoxWindow. A quite stupid name actually.
Final code: