Just starting a forest scene. ("Not another forest/foliage/nature scene!" I hear you cry). Sorry if you've seen a lot of these lately. I've been told I need to include examples of this stuff in my portfolio. So I need to practice foliage, rocks and organic stuff.
Guess I'll start with the reference. It's not set in stone, just gives me a vague idea of what I'm heading for and the compostion:

Heres what I have so far:

An Oak and a Silver Birch tree. I like the Silver Birch, but not so happy with the oak tree. Dont feel it looks like an Oak tree that much. Not sure if it's the large branch structure, or the twigs and leaves that aren't quite right? Oaks seem to have a lot of space between branches, but when I tried this the tree didnt look right.
Any suggestions? Am I just being too picky?

and a rock. This is a smooth-ish river boulder. Again I'm not sure if they look ok or not. I decimated them down in zbrush to 258 tri's, not sure if thats too low poly? I need to add moss and dirt to it.

Not sure what to do about the ground terrain. Don't know whether to model something quick in maya as it's a small scene, or make something in mudbox and world machine.
So let me know how I'm doing.
I lowered the amount of leaves, made them slightly larger too. Still not sure I like it. I think I may have gone from one extreme to the other.
I've been fiddling around with the texture for too long. Does it look any good?
As for the rocks, take a look a bit more reference, they lack character in their form and silhouette. Andrew Bosolds Halo 4 rocks, well Halo 4 rocks I think is all I need to say:
Birch tree look slightly tropical at the moment. trunk looks pretty good but would try to look up some more references for the crown.
looks promising
Fozwroth Thanks for the advice. Took another go at the texture and re-doing the oak tree. Trees seem so time comsuming! Again I'll take a look at the second birch. I'm tryin for something like in the painting.
Heres another go at the oak tree. Let me know what you think:
I did a little paintover on how you should approach the vertex normals
Step 1. Spherize all the leaf planes
Step 2. start spherizing individual chunks of leaves.this is to get some fake volume in your tree.
I have been using a sphere to spherise my vertex normals. But I was using only one sphere in the middle of the tree. Never thought to do it in clumps, thats a good tip!
heres another update. I gave up on trying to make the oak tree in clumps and went for something similat to the tree in the 3d motive tutorial.
With grass, do you have cast shadows on or off?
I want to get some terrain in there next. Not sure which way to go about it. Should I create something quick in maya as its only a small scene I want to do? Or should I create something large using world machine, following choco's videos? I'm leaning towards the quick way as I only want a small scene and want to get this finished asap.