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Articles on 2d to 3d process

polycounter lvl 13
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HAWK12HT polycounter lvl 13
Hi all, hope all is well and everyone in good shape :). Ok so I am trying to help a friend write an article for average non gamers, no tech type people. So yes there are few articles i have found on game/ movie process but the trouble I am having is finding "how 2D steps eventually form a 3D art" ( yes I can write an article on it myself but I want something written by industry vet).

So far I have looked Layerpaint, 3DTotal, 3DWorld Mag, Poly wiki etc. Any more links would be of great help guys that are not full of tech terms :D. Cheers

The article is for medical college students monthly magazine :D, one must avoid UVW unwrap XD
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