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Senior Lecturer: Digital Animation - University of Hertfordshire - £35,298 to £45,941

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Senior Lecturer: Digital Animation - University of Hertfordshire - £35,298 to £45,941

Here is the job post, closing deadline for applications: 28-Jul-2013. This is a full time position.

We are seeking an experienced individual to join our world class digital animation and games team, to contribute to a dynamic and industry focused education with the potential to teach at Undergraduate and Postgraduate level. You will bring some teaching experience from higher education as well as industry understanding, experience and skills. Applicants should be highly proficient and innovative users of animation software applications including Maya and other industry standards.

We have a polycount thread if you wanted to see examples of our work - http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=68766

P.S. Here is our students BA showreel we will soon be making our MA showreel and boy it really is from another world! should be ready in a few months.

We are a really nice team of lecturers to work with (no ego problems) and the students are great, very keen and will constantly surprise you with new skills. We are pushing our BA & MA Animation courses to be the best in the world. We have the following Animation degrees, BA & MA 3D Animation, Games Art, VFX for film and TV and 2D Animation. This year and last we had over 850 student applications for 70 places on the course so naturally we are picking the cream of the crop and getting quality students and that number will only increase as we refine the course to get the best out of the students.

Best Wishes,
The UH Animation Team


  • littleclaude
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    littleclaude quad damage
    I should add that the job role in dollars is around $70K

    We are 22 minutes by train to London - http://www.visitlondon.com/

    But if you don't want to live in London we are far enough away that its all a bit ye olde weldy and you could live in Hatfield and cycle into work every day. Or a 10 minute drive away is St Albans or Hertford.

    The University is in Hatfield which is of Saxon origin, its also famous for creating the Mosquito Aircraft.


    Lord and Lady Salisbury are more then delighted to welcome you to their home, Hatfield House which is also Lara Crofts house in the film Tomb Raider. You may have also seen it as the home of Bruce Wayne in the movie Batman and in films such as Shakespeare in Love, Sleepy Hollow, Charlie & the Chocolate Factory, Vanity Fair, Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows and the King's Speech. It was also home to Queen Elizabeth I and is over 400 years old.

    And there are lots of nice old pubs like the Ye Olde Fighting Cocks, Cool name I know :)

    But if night clubbing is more your thing (LONDON-Ministry of Sound) then there are trains to London 24-7 in towns like St Albans

    And there is the world famous London West end for a great night out - http://www.westendlondon.com/


    And Soho has got a great buzz at night

    Things to see in London - http://www.roughguides.com/?s=london&x=-1274&y=-56

    So come on, whats stopping you apply now, we can do a Video interview if you want, we did one the other day with a chap from LA. We are a great bunch of Lecturer staff and the students are fantastic, really keen and a pleasure to teach. The course is also getting better and better every year thanks to a great management team that are really happy to support us.
  • littleclaude
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    littleclaude quad damage

    We just thought we would add this, its from 3D World mentioning that the University of Hertfordshire is one of the best places to study Animation in the world. It was a very nice surprise for us to be pitched next to such great schools.

    So come on and join the team, its a once in a life time offer, think about what you will do with the four months research time, maybe do an MA or PhD and become a Dr :) you could make and run a website, forum, start a game MOD or you could start a business, that whats one of the lecturer staff did a couple of years ago and it is growing from strength to strength, Rewindfx Another one learnt so many new skills that a few years later he became an Art Director at Sony and tripled his wage from when he left as a senior artist.

    We look forward to looking through your CV and Showreel, give it a shot what's the worst that can happen.

    Best Wishes,
    The Animation Team

  • littleclaude
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    littleclaude quad damage
    Deadline is coming up 28/07/13 at midnight tonight, good luck everyone.
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