I'm trying to create some stylized terrain in unity and needed my textures to not stretch on vertical terrain, so I found this shader
http://www.farfarer.com/temp/triPlanarTexture.unitypackage. However, even though I strip the package of all the textures it comes with, it uses one of its spec maps anyway, on the second texture channel.
I think it's only affecting the second slot in my texture palette. I switched the grass and the rock texture and the random spec applied to the rocks while it was in the grass's current spot here.
I've tried deleting all the textures this shader came with and that didn't help.
That has all of the settings for the extra maps and feeds them into the shader system as global variables.
So you'll need to ditch that script and remove all the extra spec/normal calculations from the shader because that makes it really expensive.
You'll probably need to restart Unity, too.